Thursday, February 17, 2011


1. Determine what Kipling means by "the White Man's Burden." He is referring to the White Man's burden as Imperialism.
2. Does Kipling justify imperialism? He says that it is a power for man, a natural thing that may hapen, and could be better of worse.
3. Why might such a justification might be so appealing? Because he brings out points that makes the others feel good about what they did.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Write your name and which two wars you will compare. Civil War and World War 1
    2. Find your same events in the two wars starts.
    3. Explain

    Tyler Sand Civil War and World War 11. Write your name and which two wars you will compare. Civil War and World War 1
    2. Find your same events in the two wars starts.
    3. Explain

    The countries in WWI starting to form the triple alliance, and the triple entente, and the south seceding in the civil war. This was alike because this was setting the match-up between the alliance and the entente and the Union and Confederacy.

    Imperialism, Naturalism, and Militarism and slavery. These were both arguably one of the top cause of the civil and first world war. They were both hugely reflected by the government, and the people. It was created by the people, and they disagreed about them.
